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Presentation of the Robert Schuman European Centre

The objectives and missions of the Robert Schuman European Center in Scy-Chazelles

Our activities
in a few numbers


children, teenager and young adults take part in workshops of the European and intercultural educational service per year


multiplicators (teachers, youth specialists etc.) who take part in our trainings per year


persons who are reached via the digital media of the Robert Schuman European Centre (Social Media, Homepage, YouTube) per year


educational workshops and conferences to choose from to organise your own European day "à la carte"

European and intercultural educational service

The European and intercultural Education Service offers a customized service: You choose the educational workshops to create your European program for a half-day, a full day, or several days.

Photo of European students

Discover the virtual museum of the project 'Onboarding Memories' !

The Robert Schuman European Centre has collaborated with French, German, Polish, and Italian partners to create a virtual museum consisting of about ten rooms on forced labor during World War II.

Want to travel to a foreign country? We are here to help!

As an accredited organization, we can assist you in organizing your mobility project in another country from A to Z. Discover how to travel with us thanks to the European Solidarity Corps (ESC).

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